Friday, September 10, 2021

Fall Is In The Air! Well, Not Really.

 Happy Friday!!

I hope that extra long weekend was a much needed break.  I hope that you were able to spend time with your family and with the Lord.  Our school appreciates your understanding in all that we are doing to keep our students and families safe. Join me in praying for protection from Covid, and healing for those who have it. 

I would like to share my heart and my 2 cents with you for a moment. Yesterday it was so nice to walk outside and enjoy the cooler weather. My husband was very excited to sit on the porch (our favorite thing to do), and not feel like we were going to melt away. He was overjoyed talking about how glad he was that the hot dog days of summer were behind us.  I giggled and reminded him that we live in NC, in the south were summer and fall will battle it out until late October. The look of sadness on his face as he realized the reality of this hilarious! I know I shouldn't laugh. But that is what fall in the south does, it toys with your emotions. It will give you a glorious crisp cool morning and then have you melting from a heat stroke four hours later. This morning as I had quiet time with the Lord, I found myself in Matthew chapter 4, which is also happens to be what my high school Bible class has been discussing. After His baptism Jesus goes to the wilderness to fast and pray. Satan comes to Him three times to tempt Him. He tempts Him by offering food, wealth and just like he did with Eve, He tempts Jesus by trying to get Him to challenge God. This reminded me of the night before and the events that took place as my sweet husband realized that summer was not over. Satan makes things look to tantalizing and lovely to us in the way that he presents it. We become intrigued and....TEMPTED! Not realizing right away that what is presented before us could be a trick messing with our emotions and senses, ultimately leaving us broken. Jesus answered Satan all three times using scripture!! It is so important for us to spend time in the word. Memorize it, meditate on it! Teach our children to do the same! Scripture will ultimately shape our worldview and define who we are and who we belong to. This is exactly what your students are learning in my Bible class this year! Our world can be a scary place, its time to armor ourselves up to fight the battle with Satan. May we follow the example of Jesus and be ready with scripture every time that mean devil comes for us. 

If your student is required to quarantine due to sickness or exposure ALL assignments will be posted on Microsoft Teams. Your student knows how to access this on their IPAD. Assignments and quizzes can be done online. All tests can be made up when they return to school. I will be available before or after school. Their health is the upmost importance. I will help them catch up on anything that they fall behind in. 

We are a month into school and I am having issues with students coming to class unprepared. They do not have their Bible, IPAD or composition book. Right now for 6th grade it is imperative that they bring their IPAD as most are still waiting on books that have been on backorder. I am uploading their text to teams. This is how they will access their reading until their book arrives. I will be sending a form home with students next week that states my expectation for preparedness and the consequence that will follow. I do understand that for some a transition from elementary to middle school can be hard. I simply ask that you work with me in helping to teach our young students responsibility and accountability. Your student will not receive all of the benefits of the lesson if they are unprepared. I appreciate your help in this matter. 

All assignments will be posted on teams beginning Monday. I will also post all notes at the end of the day for those who are absent that day. Homework will also be posted to teams.  We usually do not have a lot of homework in Bible, but there will always be a memory verse that they should be working on each night. 

It has been very exciting to see our students begin to understand and see how their worldview is shaped. It is even more exciting for them to see how everything ties back to the Lord and our relationship with him. 

Within these walls change is happening!

God Bless, 

Nancy Williams

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